Monday, October 7, 2013

Photo Manipulatioin

I picked a funny photo that made me laugh: Giant whopper hopper in the back of the truck.

The original photo is probably the man being proud of his new truck, but the photographer Frank D amplified the whopper hopper and pasted it in the back of the truck.  The manipulation is for the design of the postcard.

It is not harmful. The obviously exaggerated design is the common method employed by photographer and artist to make a point, or just to make people laugh. It does not infringe anyone's right.

This video depicts the whole process of the manipulating a photo into an artful picture.  This speed art is inspired by the Cartoon film, "Up". This piece is based on the movement of the car from his home town to the another place.  The photo manipulation technology makes visible the fantastical image in mind and thus facilitates the idea sharing.

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